Play log : Harmonious

(This is part of a continuous play log I'm keeping during rehearsals of Once Upon A Carnival)

A full music rehearsal with harmonies flowing and so much to learn. Some quotes from today that made me crack up : 

"I love crunchy harmonies"

"I want a E-flat against your D-flat" (ooo ... this could mean things I don't think were meant). 

I want to be so so so good at harmonies, it's not an easy feat for me, but I love this about musicals. Growing up with music in India I don't think my ear was trained with harmonies. I find it magical that people with perfect pitch can pick out notes and sing the exact pitch without so much as a thought.  I think it's a superpower. 

Now I'm starting to hear the harmonies everyday outside of rehearsal, this is a good sign, the music is setting into the neurons and the psyche. The songs are coming to life and we know it only gets better.  

Influences of Indian film music / Bollywood music can be found in music from Trinidad as well. I have yet to explore Chutney, Soca and Calypso music, but we do have some lines in our score ..

"pardesi pardesi jaana nahin, mujhe chhodke mujhe chhodke"

[UPDATE after Jun 3 rehearsal] When we go to the part in the script  where it was clarified that it was not Trini music that was influenced by Bollywood but that there is a folk original of Pardesi Pardesi jana nahi that Bollywood used! WHO KNEW! And then I started to piece it together that "Pardesi Aayil Duare ..." is literally Awadhi/Bhojpuri Hindi!!! Truly they did preserve the language / culture / food and so much more even being so far away!

Look forward to practicing !

I've been listening to a lot of content about Trinidad and ended up watching a video about popular celebrities from Trinidad & Tobago or with heritage of the place. Nicki Minaj?! Winston Duke! The guy who plays 'MBaku from Black Panther??!  Carlton from The Fresh Prince AND his sisters? 

Check this out (the creator is direct about who she believes deserves being claimed by TT, especially the bit about Nicki Minaj)
