The Day Job

All working actors or should I say artists are familiar with the "day job".  I am not gonna generalize here and say artists usually seem to mention their day jobs as something that they'd rather not talk about because they are oh so boring or just a stupid job for money... but it might just be that .. a boring job for money.  But lately I have decided to look at it a little differently, perhaps I've realized how much this industry of "art" is about money. In fact I recently read an article on Backstage headlined "They don't call it ShowArt", yea, take that.  Being labeled as "struggling artists" is not something gets you discounts for showcases, workshops, classes, headshots, etc.  All these are requirements for the industry we are trying to make it in and our day jobs are paying for all this.  So I've decided to say it with confidence rather than a submissive chuckle that yes I work on websites because guess what? That pays the bills, brings money that allows me to attend classes and train and keep my game on.  Keep my .. as they say .. instrument tuned..

I know I know, what if your day job is quiet boring and intolerable... perhaps just thinking about how it is allowing you to practice your art to some extent will help you look at it more than just an unbearable activity.  Sure it would be perfect if we got to train all day and attend auditions and kudos to you if you can.  You are lucky, enjoy it, make the most of it.  But, if you can't afford to, and instead you are in the land of evening classes and rehearsals, and hold a job, in today's day and age, who after a day of work is ready to dive into your passion, well I would say double kudos to you.
