anywhere could be a stage, stories happen everywhere.

Originally posted on Facebook group "Theatre Folx of Color"  Oct 19, 2022 during the performances of FONTWALA, solo play in English written and performed by me. All details

Sharing something I learned about theater yesterday after an audience member came up to me after the performance of my solo play FONTWALA. She wants to figure out if I can come to perform the solo play at a place she teaches printmaking, typesetting, and bookmaking.
Now my play is about fonts, language, scripts, technology about South Asian Identity ... it's about the old ways of writing turning to the new ways of typing your script so it maintains its aesthetic. It's a result of my many interviews with my uncle back in India.

So when this audience member in NYC came up to me last night and asked me if I would perform in a space where they learn crafts of printing and writing I realized how our work as theatre artists, as solo performers don't just have to exist on stages we are used to performing. She is asking me to perform at the very places my uncle spoke about ... but I never imagined them to be performance spaces, at least for this work I didn't think of that possibility. And now this door has opened. 

Now people who wouldn't come or rather not even know about this play but who would immediately relate to this play could get to see the work.

Have you had such experiences with your work? When an audience member invites you to perform at a place that is not the theatre ... perhaps site-specific we would call it, I was thrilled and I hope it pans out.

